Presenting your property for sale
28/04/2021 by Gary Francis

Presenting your property for sale
Presenting your property for sale, or indeed for rent, should be a smooth and relatively effortless exercise but you have to know and follow some rules in order to maximise your return and minimise the hassle. At Private Property our sales and rental service has been fine-tuned over 20 years to ensure an efficient and trouble free process but we need a little help to ensure that your property is appealing and well maintained in order to give you the best possible return.
The presentation of the house is very important, you only get one first impression, we all know that first impressions count and because of that it should be a good one. When we start to market your property we are entering a very competitive marketplace where the competition are similar homes to yours. Regardless of whether your property is being viewed in person, on line or via a video call the first impression will usually determine if your home is chosen or shortlisted or neither.
From experience we know what engages prospective tenants and also what doesn’t with many properties deserving more than a cursory glance because of poor presentation and a bad first impression. So, it makes sense to present your home in its best light if you want to sell or rent it for the price it deserves. To achieve this, it has to be tidy, uncluttered and sometimes decor needs to be neutralised a little in order to appeal to a wider audience.
Have a look at some of the properties that we have for sale here and see that when you are conscious of presenting your house for sale in the right way, what the results can look like.

Make sure all the lights work, the doors aren’t squeaking and if a wall or two need a fresh coat of paint, give them a fresh coat of paint. Perhaps the bathroom needs re-tiling, re-grouting or the taps need an extra polish. These subtle but important changes can be achieved at very little cost and we can guide you through the changes that we think you may need in order to get maximum impact with minimal cost.

Pack up anything that is cluttering the house and that perhaps you don’t use on a daily or weekly basis. If you haven’t got storage space the cost of a storage unit is minimal compared to the impact an uncluttered home can have. We are all guilty of having too much “stuff” and often need an excuse to have a bit of a clear out. Selling or renting out your property is the excuse you’ve been waiting for but don’t just fill up the extra garage space you have and don’t use, prospective buyers or tenants want to imagine their cars in your garage, not have to visualise it through a wall of cardboard boxes.
Presenting your property for sale should also mean that the exterior should be considered as much as the interior, it should be clean, tidy and as uncluttered as the interior should be. And perhaps bring some of the outside inside, pots of fragrant flowers or herbs can make a home smell so inviting .

Our presentation will also highlight factors which don’t change such as the location, the orientation, the size of the house and the plot, the number of bedrooms, features such as a swimming pool, gymnasium, home office and the proximity of shops, schools, restaurants and supermarkets.
Buying or indeed renting a home is very personal and prospective buyers and tenants want to fall in love with a property, they want to imagine themselves living there, sipping their favourite drink on the terrace or watching a movie in front of the fire. Cliches we know, but still true today so an attractive, fairly neutral interior goes a long way to forming those images. It also makes the professional photographs jump out from the page, or the website.
By working together and presenting your property for sale in the right way, the likelihood is that we will sell or rent your house in a short amount of time for the price that you want.